Latest stamp collections
- 40523 Syria 1921-1980. €1,000.00
- 40381 Comores 1898-2003. €1,100.00
- 40389 French Antarctica 1955-2023! €1,600.00
- 40391 Togo 1914-2006. €1,600.00
For further information, questions, orders, remarks, suggestions etc. please contact us:
Phone: +31 30 2443170
Smits Philately
Grote Wade 23 A/B
The Netherlands
By car:
Take exit 18 on the A12 (Houten / Hoograven)
On the roundabout follow Industriepark Nieuwegein
Turn right at the first traffic lights (Ravenswade)
Take the 2nd street on the left (Grote Wade)
You’ll find Smits Philately after 250 meters on the left
With public transport
From Station Utrecht Central
Bus station Jaarbeurszijde
Line 47 towards Houten
Get off at McDonalds (Liesbosch/Nieuwegein stop)
Walk past McDonalds down Ravenswade
Take the 2nd street on the left (Grote Wade)
After 250 meters you will find Smits Philately on your left hand