Home » Stampcollections » World

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39750 World till 1900.


Truly fantastic, mint hinged and used world collection up to 1900 in ancient album. The album is falling apart and is not complete, but still contains a lot of good material such as Latin America, beautiful French colonies, Portugal and colonies, old German States, Australian States, British colonies, Scandinavia, German colonies, the Netherlands and colonies, etc. etc. One-off purchase with very good material including various stamps with a catalogue value above 1000 euros. Finds certainly possible!!

39016 World paquebot covers 1870-1980.


Great collection of the sought after paquebot covres, countries A-Z, from very old and scarce to new, many very good and scarce covers present of smaller countries, housed in 22(!!) albums and loose, in massive removal box. Seldom offered so extensive, with so many good covers present!!

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

39777 All world mint never hinged 1900-2000.


Gigantic mint never hinged accumulation from very old to new, tons and tons of mint never hinged sets and sheetlets in quantities, including Riu Kyu kleinbogen, tons of glassines Great Britain with hundreds and hundreds of pounds face value + better older, Russia sets and sheetlets, Italy/Vatican with better 50’s, Cyprus blocs in quantities including the scarce pathfinder sheetlet from 1963(6x!), Italian colonies 30’s in part sheets, Australia from 1913 onwards in quantities (here also some used), gigantic amount of useful pickings, in 8 big fat binders, 6 boxes with glassines + big piles of loose, in 2 very heavy boxes. Great lot for the trade!!

39507 All world covers 1860-1960.


Large removalbox full with covers all world, thousands, including classics, Asia, Birma, Germany, censor marks, better frankings and cancellations, Germany Zones, East Germany service covers etc. etc. Wonderful lot to play with of to sell on eBay etc.

39800 World collection 1850-1950.


Incredible mainly fresh mint collection of countries outsied Europe, very powerful Asia including French post in China with all the expensive stamps, Malaysia and States extensive, North Borneo, Macao, really excellent French colonies with tons of expensive issues from the classics onwards, mainly fresh mint, also many better countries present like Kiautschou, Montserrat from earlies onwerds, USA with Columbus to 1 dollar, Canada with 1897 Jubilee to 5 dollar mint, Birma, Ceylon, Bermuda, great section of Newfoundland etc. etc. housed in 15 big Yvert albums (+ many issues including better to sort into the collection). Collections like these will increase in value over time!!

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

39702 World adventure lot 1860-1995.


Box full with e.g. collections Germany Reich, Aland, ancient all world collection falling apart including better noted, inflation Germany in quantities, classic GB and colonies etc. etc.

39735 All world mnh till 2020!!


Gigantic mint never hinged accumulation including better sets and singles, very much face value, much thematic interest, yearpacks, special issues, you name it, it is in these 2 very heavy removal boxes. Excellent lot for resellers or just to play with.

39607 World airmail covers 1908(!!)-1980.


Wonderful collection of covers and cards including very old cards, first flights, better frankings and markings, signed covers by pilots, concorde flights, of many different countries, in 7 albums. Very large quantity, very nice collection!

39040 Thematic collection Aviation 1920-2022!!


Insanely extensive, thematic stamp collection aviation 1920-2022, in which airplanes, zeppelins, space travel, etc. mainly MNH, including good Germany, French colonies, Portuguese colonies, Russia including imperforated stamps, gold and silver stamps, epreuves, imperforate etc. in 21 (! ) homemade albums. A collector’s life’s work!

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).