Latest stamp collections
- 40523 Syria 1921-1980. €1,000.00
- 40381 Comores 1898-2003. €1,100.00
- 40389 French Antarctica 1955-2023! €1,600.00
- 40391 Togo 1914-2006. €1,600.00
Nice mint/used/mnh collection, including better classics, later much mnh and with many sheetlets and blocs, largely complete, also good airmail section, in 6 Spanish Philos albums. Great value for money!
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
Well filled, canceled stamp collection Venezuela 1859-1954 in old Schaubek album.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
Almost complete, partly specialised, MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection Venezuela 1859-1985, including nice classic part and good stamps such as (Michel no’s): 187-203, 204-209*, 216-218, 219-231, 232-249 */o, 378-381*, 397** with inverted overprint, 399-402, souvenir sheet 1**, 2**, 3*, extensive part back of the book, duplicates and various extras in 2 Schaubek albums and 1 stockbook .
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
Very well filled, MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection Venezuela 1859-1984, including good classic part, many better stamps such as (Michel no’s): 218*, 219-231*/o, 370 in canceled vertical pair between the stamps imperforate, idem in mint block of 4 between the stamps vertically imperforated (without gum), 378-381*, 382-398* (no. 396 and 397 canceled), 425* in vertical pair between the stamps imperforated, 572-580*, 621* *, 669-677*, 701-709*, 747-755*, 779-787*, 795-803*, 882-890*, 1003-1011* (no. 1006 and 1011 canceled), nice part back of the book etc. in 2 albums.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
Messy, but well filled, mint hinged and used, partly double and specialised stamp collection Venezuela 1859-1971 in old album, including many better stamps such as (Michel no’s): 187-203*, 204-209, 215-218, 219-231* /o (no. 227 missing), 248, 275*, 277*, 378-381**, 382-398*, souvenir sheet 1*, etc. Also some varieties present.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
Almost complete, MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection Venezuela 1859-1992, including airmail, souvenir sheets and various extras, in 2 albums.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
Well filled, MNH, mint hinged and used, partly double stamp collection Venezuela 1860-1995, including souvenir sheets, back of the book, various covers etc. in 2 stockbooks.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).