Latest stamp collections
40677 Lebanon 1924-1978. €1,400.00
40544 France 1900-1998. €3,000.00
40596 France precancels 1920-1992. €900.00
40572 France 1900-1955. €2,700.00
Very well filled, mainly MNH and mint hinged stock of Yemen 1926-1968, including good stamps such as (Michel no’s): North Yemen 1-3(*), 58-63 I*, 58-63 II*, 70-75 I*, 70-75 II*, A149-B149, 200-204B** (3x), 243-249** with inverted overprint, very many imperforate stamps, etc. in thick stockbook.
114 old postcards including used cards, many nice streetviews, historic document, in folder, offered very cheap.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
Partly specialised collection in wonderful condition, 1st set to 5R, the complete set with SPECIMEN perforation, blocs of 4 up to 1R, covers, cards, cancellations etc. on albumpages, in folder.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
Wonderful collection of around 90 covers and cards, with different kind of cancellations and frankings, many very good items present, on exhibition pages with descriptions, in small box.
Wonderful collection of over 700 cancellations including many better and on many better values, sorted by types, in stockbook and on albumpages. Great collection to continue!
Very well filled, MNH, mint hinged and cancelled stamp collection Iraq 1923-1989, including good stamps such as (Michel no’s): 504-513*, 565A*,630-632*, 832-835*, 879-883*, souvenir sheet 7A**, 7B**, etc. on various album pages in Leuchtturm binder.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
Messy, but nicely filled, mint hinged and used, multiple stamp collection Saudi Arabia 1934-1997 on various types of album pages in springback.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
Folder with dealer cards with varieties of Saudi Arabia 1867-1987, including double printing, misperforations, inverted overprints, proofs etc. Nice lot!
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
Very well filled, mainly MNH, partly double stamp collection Yemen 1959-1967, including good stamps such as (Michel no’s): North Yemen 196-197B**, 241-242B** in blocks of 4, souvenir sheet 1**, 1*, 2** (2x), Kingdom of Yemen 1-5**, 13-19**, 27-28A**, 27-28B** (2x), 42-43**, souvenir sheet 1a**, 2**, 3**, 4a**, etc. in Leuchtturm album.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).