Showing 1–9 of 110 results

40021 Germany varieties 1974-1997.


Collection mainly MNH, modern varieties from Germany 1974-1997. Also some older material and other countries present.

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39952 Soviet Zone 1945-1948.


Almost complete, MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection Soviet Zone 1945-1948, including good stamps and souvenir sheets such as (Michel no’s): B I** (Potschta, certificate), 42-50D* (Coswig), 42-50G* (Loschwitz), souvenir sheet 1**, 2**, 4**, 6** (Goethe), etc. on albumpages in folder.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

39889 German occupations WW II and German Zones 1939-1949.


Nicely filled, mainly MNH and mint hinged stamp collection German occupations WWII and German Zones 1939-1949, including (Michel no’s): Montenegro 20-28**, 29-35** (signed), Serbia 1-15**, 18-25*, 26-30*, 31-45**, souvenir sheet 1*, 2*, 3*, 4*, Soviet Zone souvenir sheet 1*, 2*, 4**, etc. in Kabe album.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

39855 Germany 1872-1975.


Well filled, MNH, mint, hinged and used stamp collection Germany 1872-1975, containing good stamps such as (Michel no’s): German Reich 344-350*, 499-507* (Wagner), 529-539*, souvenir sheet 1* (Iposta), many combinations, local stamps 1945-1949, etc. in old Schaubek album.

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39841 German Zones 1945-1949.


MNH and mint hinged stamp collection American-British Zone 1945-1949, including good stamps such as (Michel no’s): 52-68 I** (band overprint, signed Schlegel), 52-68 II** (net overprint, signed Schlegel), I/I-IX/I** (signed Schlegel), I/II-IX/II** (signed Schlegel), A IX/I**, A IX/II**, 73-100** in both perforations, French Zone 1945-1949 complete including souvenir sheets (Hochwasserhilfe sheets Saar mint hinge), and Bundespost 1949-1976 including 113-115**, 123138** (posthorn, signed Schlegel), 139-140**, etc. on various albumpages in Davo album.

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39805 German occupations and territories 1914-1923.


Complete, MNH and mint hinged stamp collection German occupations and territories 1914-1923, including all good stamps such as (Michel no’s): Belgium 1-9* (no. 9 **), 10-25*, Etappengebiet West 1-12* (no . 12 **), Etappengebiet Ober Ost 1-12*, Dorpat 1-2*, German Post in Romania postage dues 1-5* (no. 1 without gum), 6-7*, Belgian Military Post in Germany 1-17 *, Eupen & Malmédy 1-7*, Eupen 1-17*, Malmédy 1-17*, Memel 1-17(*), 18-33*, 72-83*, etc. in Leuchtturm album.

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39843 German occupations WW II 1939-1945.


Very well filled, canceled stamp collection German occupations WWII 1939-1945, containing many key stamps, but also CTO material. Catalogue value according to collector over 26,000 euros.

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39802 Sudetenland 1938.


Stockpage with 3 CTO souvenir sheets from Sudetenland 1938, Michel Karlsbad sheet 1 and Reichenberg sheet 1 and 4. All sheets signed Mahr BPP. Catalogue value Michel 7000+

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39558 Germany 1945-1990.


Extensive, MNH and canceled (also some mint hinged) stock German Zones, Berlin and Bundespost (and some GDR), including many good stamps, in 2 thick stockbooks. High catalogue value!

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