Latest stamp collections
- 40523 Syria 1921-1980. €1,000.00
- 40381 Comores 1898-2003. €1,100.00
- 40389 French Antarctica 1955-2023! €1,600.00
- 40391 Togo 1914-2006. €1,600.00
Very well filled lot Germany 1872-1990, containing many good stamps such as (Michel no’s): German Reich 66 (5 Mark Reichspost), 439 (4 Mark Zeppelin South America flight), 457-458 (2 and 4 Mark Zeppelin polar flight) , 499-507 (Wagner), a good part infla stamps etc. Bundespost 111-112 (4x), 113-115 (4x), 117-120 (5x), 139-140 (4x), 141-142 (3x) , 143-146 (4x), etc. in glassines in stockbook.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
1 in stock