Home » Stampcollections » Africa » Algeria

40535 Algeria 1958-1962.


Nice, specialised collection of EA overprints of Algeria 1958-1962, including inverted overprints, overprints in other colors, etc. and also 41 stamps with the overprint Algerie Francaises 13 mai 1958, in 2 small stockbooks.

40376 Algeria 1880-2012.


Beautiful, somewhat specialised stamp collection Algeria 1880-2012, including some forerunners, many good stamps such as (Yvert no’s): 58-70*, 87-99**, 149-152**, stamp booklet C137, epreuves de luxe 34-56, 246, 294, 295, very well filled part parcel post. various coins dates, etc. in Schaubek album.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

39997 Algeria 1924-2000.


Beautiful, almost complete, MNH stamp collection Algeria 1924-2000, including good stamps such as (Yvert no’s): 58-70**, 78-85**, 87-****, 196C(*) (non-emis), 353**, 363A**, etc. in MOC album with slipcase.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

39113 Algeria old covers 1954-1961.


Interesting collection of 66 military covers including scarce items + an additional 82 covers of small bureaus, in 2 small albums. Lots of scarce material present, seldom offered!

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

39536 Algeria 1924-1978.


Almost complete, MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection Algeria 1924-1978, in Schaubek album.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

39114 Algeria varieties 1926-1950.


Nice lot of MNH and mint hinged varieties from Algeria 1926-1950, including better ones such as (Yvert no’s): 51b*, 53b*, 68b** (signed), 77b** (signed), 84c* (€ 850), 85a** (€ 1000), etc. on stockcards in folder.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).

34076 Algeria precancels 1924-1963.


Nice collection of precancels from Algeria (and also some from Tunisia) on album pages in folder, including some covers.

click here for all the photos (opens in new window).